Science, the enemy of man

 Science has dazzled humanity. It has turned impossibilities into possibilities. Time and distance have killed. Agriculture has been considerably mechanised. There is a remarkable development of industry. The radio brings to us the songs of the greatest musicians of the world. The television enables us not only to hear distant voices, but also to se distant functions, matches and other sights. Many diseases have been conquered. Germ die, victims live.

But there is another sight of the picture. Science has invented atom bombs and hydrogen bombs which destroy millions in a split second. They let loose death and destruction on the head of humanity. Science has, on the one hand, given us numerous comforts and amenities but, on the other hand, it is also driving us into the valley of death. It is signing the death warrant of humanity. It is murdering the humanity.

Man has become the slave of machine. One factory throws thousands of laborers out of work. Unemployment is ever on the increase. Gandhiji favoured not mass production of mills and factories but production by the masses.

Another curse of science is that it has made man godless. Science has fed our body but starved our soul. How does man benefit himself if he gains the whole world but loses his soul in the game? It has destroyed man's character and personality. Man has lost neighborliness, sympathy, love and fellow feeling. He has become a brute. He has become mad. Science has created more problems than it has solved. It has brought comforts, but it also brought death with it. Science is the murderer. A murderer cannot be exorcised on the ground that before killing his victim, he feasted him or gave him comforts. Science has placed untold power in the hands of man and man misuses it. The memory of death and large scale destruction that followed in the two beautiful cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan is still fresh in our memory. The same story may be repeated in a much more virulent form. 

To sum up, we must use science for the good of humanity and not for its destruction.

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