“Policy and Regulatory framework on Conformity Assessment for Telecom products: Global Best Practices and Priorities”

 Telecom Engineering Centre (TEC), a National telecom standard setting organization under the aegis of Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications has conducted a webinar titled “Policy and Regulatory framework on Conformity Assessment for Telecom products: Global Best Practices and Priorities” here yesterday. This webinar is organised by TEC in collaboration with TIC Council (India) and witnessed the presence of senior policy makers from Department of Telecom, India, E.U & FCC (U.S) along with senior Industry representatives from the Telecom, Labs, sharing their experience, global trends, and best practices towards ensuring Quality and safety of Telecom products in India. During session, Mr Luis , Policy officer from EU and Mr George from FCC, USA shared global best practices and Mr Prasanth DDG , TEC and Mr Zutshi TIC Council  have presented  India specific regulatory framework.


The event was graced by Shri K.Rajaraman, Secretary (Telecom), Government of India as chief guest and Shri Ashok Kumar Mittal, Member (Services), DoT, Smt. Deepa Tyagi, Sr. DDG (TEC) and Shri Sh. Suresh Sugavanam, Chairman TICC, India.  This event was witnessed by participants from across the globe and it is moderated by Dr Aparna  ED, TICC.

Shri K.Rajaraman, Secretary (Telecom) in his keynote address mentioned that the country is investing heavily in public and private partnership model to increase the penetration in mobile and broadband sector in urban and rural area. He also stressed that the telecom services shall be affordable to the bottom of the pyramid. He mentioned that testing and certification ecosystem should be the integral part of manufacturing ecosystem to become manufacturing hub. He also mentioned that very robust capacity of testing facilities, skills set is required to meet the requirement of manufacturing hub. He also urged the industry to explore the innovative idea of lab equipment lying in various part of the country to use as a service model like OLA/UBER type platform based model in testing.

Shri Ashok Kumar Mittal, Member (Services), DoT in his opening address mentioned that it is matter of pleasure that TEC has come up to organise internationally collaborative knowledge sharing webinar on the regulatory practices. He also appreciated the endeavours of TEC encouraged to do such discourses as many as possible.

Smt Deepa Tyagi Sr DDG, TEC has emphasised the importance of global collaboration and bringing global best practices so that India would become global test bed for ICT products.


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