ICMR-2023: International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research - 2023

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from ICMR 2023

The International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research-2023 will be held on 22nd and 23rd April 2023 at Virtual ModeThis multi-disciplinary research conference aims to provide an opportunity for academicians, researchers, scientists, and industry experts to present the results, in theory, methodology, and applications of different areas of Engineering Sciences and Social Sciences under one roof. It is a good platform for researchers to share and discuss their ideas and views with peers. Authors are asked to contribute to the conference by submitting articles/papers that demonstrate their research results, projects, innovations, surveying works, and experiences of an industry that define significant advances in the areas of Engineering, Sciences, Business, Architecture, Commerce, Computer Applications, Humanities, and Social Sciences. 

The ICMR - 2023 would offer several invited lectures from well-known speakers all over the world. We warmly welcome experts, academicians, scholars, and entrepreneurs to participate in this international academic exchange activity in the field of applied sciences. We hope that the ICMR-2023 outcome will lead to significant contributions to the knowledge base in these up-to-date scientific fields. All the accepted papers will be published in a special edition of Reputed Journals of UGC Care list/Scopus indexed/SCI indexed Journals.

Important Dates:

Paper Submission Deadline: 20 March 2023 (Extended) 

Acceptance Notification: 10 April 2023 (Extended) 

Last Date of Registration: 10 April 2023

For more details Visit Conference URL: https://icmr.edupub.org/

Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit regular (full) papers for presentation at the conference, describing original, previously unpublished work, which is not currently under review by another conference, or journal. Regular papers should present novel perspectives within the general scope of the conference. Papers should not be more than 8 pages in length. Use ‘Times New Roman font, size 12, and single-column layout shall be uploaded via easy chair paper submission. Camera-ready papers can be submitted after acceptance using the guidelines given on the website.

Paper Submission Link: https://icmr.edupub.org/ or https://icmr.edupub.org/p/submission.html

Please encourage your peers, friends, researchers, seniors, subordinates, and students in your network to submit their quality submissions. All papers presented at the conference will be submitted for inclusion in the UGC Care/Scopus Indexed Journals and Conference Proceedings published as a book with ISBN.

Authors can also submit their papers through email at icmr2023@edupub.org

Paper Publication and Indexing

All submitted papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the conference (including a similarity plagiarism check). All the accepted and registered conference papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBNs and will be indexed by Google Scholar. All peer-reviewed and selected papers of the conference will be published in the following UGC Care / Scopus indexed / SCI indexed international journals with respect to their area of research. 

  1. Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences 
  2. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering 
  3. International Journal of Special Education
  4. NeuroQuantology 
  5. Seybold Report 
  6. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education

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